
Welcome! I have been working for the past years on the general topic of systems modelling and quantitative issues in Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS).

My focus is on tackling dependability, i.e., availability, reliability, maintenance, performance, safety and security.

I am currently working at Aston University↗ as a Lecturer in Software Engineering & Cybersecurity within the School of Computer Science and Digital Technologies.

I chiefly investigate dependability + cyber security, modelling and simulation, and Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) in smart and critical infrastructure.


"If you look for an excuse, you'll always find one."
- Anthony Liccione


Check my Pure profile at Aston↗ for my latest research outcomes.

Look the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Research.

Read some tips for writing better.


One question I get a lot is "How to start working with cyber security right away?".
So, to answer this the best I can, please check out this "New to Cyber Field Manual: The Ultimate Guide to Getting Into Cyber security"↗ or TryHackMe↗, a free online platform or learning cyber security.

You may also find quite interesting NCSC's (UK) page on cybersecurity topics.


This is what currently interests me in research:


Professional memberships

I'm a member of Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)↗. Please find my profile information here↗.

I am also an active member of The Open Worldwide Application Security Project (OWASP)↗.